Chicfinds boho style; home, wardrobe & getaways!

Beautiful things, fashion, Interiors, Travel

Bohemian has many different definitions but the general meaning is a movement of artist and poets in late 19th century France, especially in Paris. Bohemians believed in living outside of the bourgeois (conventional, middle class) mainstream culture. Bohemians were against the Salon (the institution that controlled the literary and art market in France until the turn of the 20th century)and believed that art and literature should be radical.

Bohemian style is about doing things your way, away from convention and its all about self expression and creative energy. Creating your own style using recycled or finding things on a shoe string means also creating magic from the mundane. Check out the bags at Buffalo Girl Byron Bay; and for stockist visit Island Luxe Tribe or Island Luxe in Byron Bay?Bangalow;   Island luxe have amazing boho style homewares so take your time if you are visiting and for those that fall in love with the images but are too far for a visit lets cross our fingers that their web site will arrive soon!

The latest collection by Lover; White Magick is absolutely gorgeous. It is a fantasy of lace, butterfly sleeves, gothic style maxi dresses and despite the poetic softness it exhibits, it is sexy. Visit Lover’s new store in The Strand Arcade.

If you love that boho look then look no further than this cool little shop online which offers some very boho style jewelry, clothing and home wares;

Boho style bag by Gucci.

Macrame boho luxe by Roberto Cavalli.

Straight from Ibiza is 07800 with the latest Ibiza fashions in boots, jewelry and bags; 

For a beautifully made hammock visit the Toucan shop;

India Hick’s store The Sugar Mill on Harbour Island, Bahamas is a wonderland of beautiful home wares, jewlery and kaftans;

Other stores to visit in the hope of finding that perfect boho piece;

Merci Merci;

Pure and General;

Visit Voo Store, Berlin;

Looking for a boho style getaway? Here is a list of little hideaways; 

Cadaques, Spain and for hot spots all over the world visit;

Chefchaouen , Morocco

Byron Bay, NSW, Australia

Harbour Island, Bahamas,

For a fantastic list of places to chill out all over the world;